18 Sep 2021

Heal Country - The Hilltop Schools (Ajuga, Campbell House and Glenfield Park School) came together to celebrate NAIDOC, in our own special way, to honor the diverse cultures, rich history, and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
Due to lockdown, we couldn’t celebrate together this year. The video below was made to share this special occasion with our school community. Please click on link to see the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2GhEqJXsexg
We hope you enjoy seeing what NAIDOC means to us.
Picture details: The 2021 National NAIDOC Poster, ‘Care for Country’ was designed by Gubbi Gubbi artist Maggie-Jean Douglas who used the NAIDOC Week theme, Heal Country!, as inspiration. The artwork explores how Country has cared for and healed First Nations people spiritually, physically, emotionally, socially and culturally.
The artwork includes communities, people, animals and bush medicines spread over different landscapes of red dirt, green grass, bush land and coastal areas to tell the story of the many ways Country can and has healed us throughout our lives and journeys.