Glenfield Park School

Learning for Life

Telephone(02) 9827 6120

Principal's message

Principal's Message

Glenfield Park is an inclusive school catering to the unique social, emotional, and academic needs and life skill development of students. We are a beacon of wellbeing excellence for the community. We aim to close the gap through our commitment to equity and excellence to ensure every student can learn, grow, and belong. We are trauma informed and link social and emotional learning to curriculum outcomes to empower students to be safe, respectful, lifelong learners. A holistic approach ensures students connect, succeed, and thrive in an engaging teaching and learning environment that fosters self-regulation and reflection. When students graduate from Glenfield Park School they leave with confidence and the skills to support them for life.

Glenfield Park School is a specialist setting with expert staff providing intensive intervention for complex learners with unique emotional needs. All students at Glenfield Park School are Known, Valued and Cared for. Glenfield Park School is a School for Specific Purposes catering for 70 students who have been diagnosed with an emotional disturbance (ED) and a mild intellectual disability (IM), students could also have an additional diagnosis of Autism. The school caters for students from Kindergarten to 17 years. The school population is divided into 10 classes, with each class being staffed by a Teacher and School Learning Support Officer (SLSO).

All students' seeking placement within Glenfield Park School must first have an access request submitted to Learning and Wellbeing Team by their Home Schools for consideration by the Behavioural Panel. The Behavioural Panel meets once a term.

Glenfield Park School operates on a cognitive behavioural model. Students will be exposed to daily social skills and behaviour management programs with clear links to Character Strengths and Trauma Informed Practice. All students are provided with an individual learning plan which is evaluated regularly and discussed at termly review meetings.

All Key Learning Areas are covered via an integrated unit approach. Integrated Units combine Key Learning Areas in a single unit. for example, designing, making, writing and illustrating, researching, presenting research, reading, using music and dance. This could involve several learning areas such as English, Science and Technology, Human Society and Its Environment, and Creative Arts. This approach can deepen students' understanding and enjoyment of what they are learning.

Glenfield Park School seeks to provide quality education for all students, taking account of their age, background, ability and interests. Glenfield Park School helps students to become self-directed, life-long learners who can create a positive future for themselves and for the wider community. For this to occur, Glenfield Park School must be a place where every student can learn and grow with confidence. Students develop best in schools where teaching and learning occur in a context of student Wellbeing. Glenfield Park School needs to be a safe and happy place for students and their teachers. Student Wellbeing is enhanced when all members of the school community participate in learning programs and the life of the school.

Throughout the day all students have numerous occasions to speak with all staff. At Glenfield Park we ensure that all teachers have various opportunities to build relationships with students. We do not assign one teacher to mentor one student; our students have the opportunity to build relationships with all staff.

Social and Emotional Learning are essential for developing resilience and the personal attributes that establish positive relationships. Students learn to talk about challenges, build self-esteem, make responsible decisions, and handle challenging situations. Students have opportunities to learn and practice social skills such as: managing stress, deciding on goals, and planning for the future.

Glenfield Park has a strong focus on the Values in Action Inventory (VIA) Classification of Character strengths and Virtues. We believe that once a student has the ability to identify their strengths and become self-aware, they can use this knowledge to self-regulate and make informed choices about their actions and reactions.

Glenfield Park School integrates Trauma Informed Practice as a school wide initiative This incorporates child-centred relationship strategies which are implemented by all staff. These strategies allow staff to understand how students with a history of trauma are communicating, allowing them to respond empathetically.

Glenfield Park facilitates relationships with children who have experienced trauma by focusing on building strong relationships through multiple, consistent daily interactions. Educators at Glenfield Park build emotional intelligence to provide an understanding of self and others. By allowing a shift in emotional states students become prepared for learning. Consistent and predictable routines support unconditional positive regard and the use of calmly implemented boundaries are integral to students' sense of wellbeing allowing them to experience a sense of order.

At Glenfield Park staff use Trauma Informed Practice to engage students. Empathetic listening and reflective responding are used by the team to enhance students’ sense of safety and connection. Students feel validated and understood thus reducing the need to communicate using established negative behaviour patterns.

Restorative practices underpin all discipline conversations, students are encouraged to take responsibility for their actions, develop empathy for others, and repair relationships. At Glenfield Park School we implement Trauma Informed Practices while interacting with students within the classroom, playground and school environment. This incorporates child-centred relationship strategies which are implemented by all staff. These strategies allow staff to understand how students with a history of trauma are communicating, allowing them to respond empathetically. Explicit teaching opportunities are created and provided to students to assists them in understanding and regulating their own behaviour and assist students to build relationships with peers and adults.

Building relationships with our families is very important. All staff at Glenfield Park School work closely with families. We communicate daily with families via email, Sentral Parent App or phone calls. Staff go out of their way to make positive phone calls to families to highlight the strengths of the children. Glenfield Park has a strong commitment in supporting the community and have a fulltime Student Support Officer (SSO).

Glenfield Park School strives for continuous improvement. Our current Strategic Directions are:


To ensure that every student has strong foundations in literacy, numeracy and social and emotional learning enabling confidence in their ability to learn and adapt, through regular school attendance, and differentiated, data driven and engaging teaching and learning programs to meet the individual and unique learning needs of all students.

LEADING - Partnerships and Pathways

To ensure partnerships are the cornerstone for continuous whole school improvements and engagement within and beyond the school gate.

Glenfield Park School staff are committed to help students develop the skills, confidence, and ability to be Safe, Respectful Lifelong Learners.


Yours in Partnership,

Michelle Gomes

Principal, Glenfield Park School

Supporting students to be Safe, Respectful Lifelong Learners

May 2024