Glenfield Park is an inclusive school catering to the unique social, emotional and academic needs of students. We are a beacon of wellbeing excellence for the community. We are trauma informed and use character strengths to empower students to be safe, respectful, lifelong learners. An holistic approach ensures students connect, succeed and thrive in an engaging teaching and learning environment that fosters self-regulation and reflection. When students graduate from Glenfield Park School they leave with confidence and the skills to support them for life.
Our teachers use a variety of strategies to assess student learning.
Teachers observe students' work in class and look closely at tasks throughout the year. They also formally assess a student's achievement based on the outcomes described in the syllabus of the subject.
As a parent or carer, you’ll receive a written report twice a year. It gives you a clear picture of your child’s achievements – what they know and can do.
Glenfield Park School operates on a cognitive behavioural model. Students will be exposed to daily social skills and behaviour management programs with clear links to Character Strengths and Trauma Informed Practice. All students are provided with an individual learning plan which is evaluated regularly and discussed at termly review meetings.
All Key Learning Areas are covered via an integrated unit approach. Integrated Units combine Key Learning Areas in a single unit. for example, designing, making, writing and illustrating, researching, presenting research, reading, using music and dance. This could involve several learning areas such as English, Science and Technology, Human Society and Its Environment, and Creative Arts. This approach can deepen students’ understanding and enjoyment of what they are learning. Teachers may integrate some outcomes and content from different learning areas around a common issue, idea or theme – for example, ‘How can we look after the places we live in?’, ‘Why and how did Australia become a nation?’, ‘What was life like for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Peoples before the arrival of the Europeans?’
From year 7 students work towards achieving their ROSA (Record of School Achievement) by completing life skills outcomes.
School Focus K-12 Minimum Focus
· English
· Mathematics
· Personal Development, Health PE
· Investigating Science
· Creative Arts
· Work and the Community
· Food Technology
· HSIE – Geography/History
Scope and Sequence

We provide detailed information to students about what we expect from them throughout the year and how their work will be assessed. Students have a number of formal assessments throughout their schooling.
Formative Assessment
· Review meetings each term with families
· Daily evaluations with teacher day books
· SchoolBytes incident reports
· One page summary evaluated and updated each term
· Phone calls made home to parents, contact with external providers
Summative Assessment
· Data collection each term with focus of literacy, numeracy, and Social and Emotional Learning (Refer to data collection within this document)
· School Reports twice a year, Term 2 and Term 4
· Student PLPs, ongoing evaluation and updating throughout the term evaluated and updated each term
The Record of School Achievement (RoSA) is awarded to eligible students who leave school before completing their Higher School Certificate. The RoSA records a student’s grades between the end of Year 10 and when they leave school.
Best Start – a mandatory, one-to-one assessment that identifies a student’s literacy and numeracy skills at the beginning of Kindergarten.
National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) – reading, writing, language conventions (spelling, punctuation and grammar) and numeracy tests for students in Years 3 and 5. The Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) holds the tests in May each year. Results and student reports are released in August.