Glenfield Park School
Behaviour Support and Management Plan
Glenfield Park School students are Safe, Respectful Learners. Glenfield Park School is committed to explicitly teaching and modelling positive behaviours and to supporting all students to be engaged with their learning. Key programs prioritised and valued by the school community are Trauma Informed Practice, Character Strengths and Social Emotional Learning.
Whole school systems
Glenfield Park School uses the following strategies and systems to explicitly teach, recognise and reinforce positive student behaviour and behavioural expectations.

Care Continuum
Students may require different types of intervention delivered in different ways along a continuum of care - from prevention to intensive individual support to best meet their needs. Schools can also access universal, guided and strategic support for behaviour through the School Success Model.

Behaviour Code for Students
The Behaviour Code for Students can be found at High expectations for student behaviours are established and maintained through effective role modelling, explicit teaching and planned responses
Whole School Approach
Trauma Informed Practice
Glenfield Park School integrates Trauma Informed Practices as a school wide initiative. This incorporates child-centred relationship strategies which are implemented by all staff. These strategies allow staff to understand how students with a history of trauma are communicating, allowing them to respond empathetically.
Glenfield Park facilitates relationships with children who have experienced trauma by focusing on building strong relationships through multiple, consistent daily interactions. Educators at Glenfield Park School build emotional intelligence to provide an understanding of self and others. By allowing a shift in emotional states, students become prepared for learning. Consistent and predictable routines support unconditional positive regard and the use of calmly implemented boundaries are integral to students sense of wellbeing allowing them to experience a sense of order.
At Glenfield Park, staff use Trauma Informed Practice to engage students. Empathetic listening and reflective responding are used by the team to enhance students’ sense of safety and connection. Students feel validated and understood thus reducing the need to communicate using established negative behaviour patterns.
Character Strengths
Glenfield Park has a strong focus on the Values in Action Inventory (VIA) Classification of Character Strengths and Virtues. We believe that once a student has the ability to identify their strengths and become self-aware, they can use this knowledge to self-regulate and make informed choices about their actions and reactions.
Tool Box – Stop, Think, Safety First
Glenfield Park have designed and developed a program that promotes self-regulation. Our strategies are linked to tools to continue our theme of life skills. We focus on encouraging students to stop and think safety first when they are angry so they can use a tool for example ‘breathing’ to calm and self-regulate. This program is also linked to Character Strengths. For example it is brave to talk and ask for help.
Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)
These skills are essential for developing resilience and the personal attributes that establish positive relationships. Students learn to talk about challenges, build self-esteem, make responsible decisions, and handle challenging situations. Students have opportunities to learn and practice social skills such as: managing stress, deciding on goals and planning for the future.
Wellbeing Procedures
Glenfield Park School seeks to provide quality education for all students, taking account of their age, background, ability and interests. Glenfield Park School helps students to become self-directed, Life-Long Learners who can create a positive future for themselves and for the wider community. For this to occur, Glenfield Park School must be a place where every student can learn and grow with confidence. Students develop best in schools where teaching and learning occur in a context of student Wellbeing. Glenfield Park School needs to be a safe and happy place for students and their teachers. Student Wellbeing is enhanced when all members of the school community participate in learning programs and the life of the school.
Open Parachute
Open Parachute is a school wide program helping schools implement innovative wellbeing programs for students. Programs are designed by a team of Clinical Psychologists and educators, so that the support which normally only takes place for a few students in a therapy office is now translated into easily accessible learning activities for every single student in class. Open Parachute is mapped onto the Acara curriculum guidelines, covering HPE learning targets from Kindergarten through year 12, as well as the General Capabilities of Critical & Creative Thinking, Personal & Social Capability, Ethical Understanding, and Intercultural Understanding.
Anxiety Project
The Anxiety Project is a whole school community approach to managing anxiety and building resilience. The aim of the program is to reduce the anxiety levels of children within our school through a community approach. The Anxiety Project is a fit for purpose approach to anxiety, using Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) strategies.
· Many well-being initiatives don’t specifically target anxiety, rather, they are generalised well-being programs not addressing the issue of child anxiety.
· This program uses CBT adapted as an early-intervention tool. The main evidence-based treatment for child anxiety is CBT treatment.
· This program assists teachers to reduce anxiety by teaching specific CBT related classroom techniques for managing child anxiety.
· School/class Learning for Life dollars as first option for all students
· Exactly that, rewards do not bribe, random acts of kindness
· Stickers, tick charts, work towards a reward
· Class based ok but it must be fair and consistent
· Our students have a real sense of fairness and equity, they can react violently to perceived injustice
· Students cope with missing out as long as they know why and it’s fair and equitable
Reward System
· 20 Learning for Life dollars = Learning for Life Mini Award
· 3x Learning for Life Mini Awards = GPS Learning for Life Merit Award
· 3x GPS Learning for Life Merit Awards = GPS Bronze Award plus bonus $50
· 3x GPS Bronze Awards = GPS Silver Award plus bonus $50
· 3x GPS Silver Awards = GPS Gold Award plus bonus $50
· 3x GPS Gold Awards = GPS Platinum Award plus bonus $50
· Weekly full green week for students who did not move pass dark green each day M – F $20 voucher awarded at assembly plus a Learning for Life Mini Award
· Gold Award for a full green year
· Reward Day prizes
o Bronze – hot chips or 20 min experience – as determined each term
o Silver – chips and burger or 40 min experience as determined each term
o Gold – chips, burger and drink or 60 min experience as determined each term
o Platinum – excursion
· Presentation Day Awards – staff nominated
o Jnr Safe
o Jnr Respectful
o Jnr Learner
o Snr Safe
o Snr Respectful
o Snr Learner
o Full green term
Strategies implemented within classroom:
· Building positive and meaningful relationships with the students
· Ensure each student has a current and evaluated PLP, crisis plan and risk assessment that all staff are familiar with pertaining to classroom activities
· Communicate the behaviour plan to all staff
· Reward and recognise positive behaviours and how each student responds to positive praise
· According to research, positive praise should always be done with every student at a ratio of at least 4 positive praises to 1 criticism
· Give simple and clear instructions
· Have students repeat instructions
· Ask questions to ensure your instruction/s is understood
· Ask if any student has any questions about what is expected of them
· Dividing tasks into smaller more achievable parts
· Offer one-on-one help whenever possible
· Give your student a ‘buddy’ who can help them understand what to do
· Plan the classroom so that students with special needs are seated near the front of the room and away from distractions
· Make a visual checklist of tasks that need to be finished
· Do more difficult learning tasks in the mornings or after breaks
· Allow some extra time to finish tasks
· Choice of activity when all set tasks are completed
Strategies implemented on playground:
The role of staff in playground supervision is very important in recognising and responding to incidents of bullying and inappropriate play. Teachers must scan, move, interact and praise. Monitoring playground hot spots, encouraging isolated students to join a group, reminding children about strategies to manage playground conflict, giving appropriate strategies other than “ignoring it and walking away” and following through on reported incidents, can all help to reduce bullying. Bullying reports need to be taken seriously and dealt with promptly.
· Be approachable and proactive
· Ensure each student has a current and evaluated PLP, crisis plan and risk assessment that all staff are familiar with that pertains to outside/lunch activities
· Communicate the behaviour plan to all staff
· Set ground rules for physical aggression and ensure students are aware of consequences
· Encourage the use of words for communication with others
· Practice when the playground is free, help to break down the steps for positive playground interaction
· Model taking turns and sharing, practice the language needed for this skill
· Use visuals to explore and learn how to interpret social cues
· Explore and practice strategies like taking a breath, walking away or asking for help
· Provide a range of activities
· Allow an area for quiet play like a sandpit/cars
· Debrief with the class/students about the break e.g. What happened? How they managed?
Behaviour Management sequence
1. Trauma Informed Practice conversation, check in
2. Class Room Teacher restorative conversation
3. Executive Assistance
4. Resolution Process - Executive
5. Resolution Process Principal
Managing a negative behaviour
An example of managing a negative behaviour at Glenfield Park School
1. Make a general statement about the desired behaviour e.g. “ I am so pleased to see so many of you sitting at your desk with pencils ready”
2. Identify students demonstrating the desired behaviour and reward or praise e.g. “ I love the way (student’s name) has his/her pencil ready and is looking at me, 2 star moves for you”
3. (Student’s name), you are not following my instruction to sit at your desk. Repeat instruction clearly e.g. “Sit at your desk and have your pencil ready.” Allow take up time
4. Student complies – give positive feedback
5. Student refuses – remind student of the expectation and rule they are breaking e.g. “(Student’s name) the instruction is to sit at your desk, this is your second reminder to follow my instruction.” Allow take up time
6. Student complies – give positive feedback
7. Student refuses - make a statement e.g. “I have asked you to sit at your desk, you are not following instructions, if this orange behaviour continues you will be given a warning (move tracker)”
8. Allow the student time to demonstrate the desired behaviour, change proximity to the student but still keep watch, give attention to students following the instruction
9. Student complies – give positive feedback
10.Student refuses – make statement e.g. “(Student’s name), you have ignored my instructions and reminders to sit at your desk, you have been given a warning (move tracker)
This process may continue repeatedly throughout the day for the same or other negative behaviours. Continue to follow the process and move the student along the tracker. Students cannot jump spaces in the tracker or go directly to orange or red unless they demonstrate violence, damage school property or leave the school grounds. If this occurs, the student reaches the instant red level. Please ensure you resolve each level before moving along to another colour.
· All staff to follow the School Behaviour Management Sequence as outlined in the School Induction document
· All staff will work collaboratively with students, parents and carers, service providers and the community to promote and manage positive, inclusive and safe student behaviour.
· Support the development and implementation of the School Behaviour Support and Management Plan to enhance student learning and wellbeing
· Model and promote behaviour that values diversity, demonstrates respect for all students, and promotes a positive school climate
· Participate in professional learning to progress skill development, knowledge and confidence and provide purposeful and personalised responses to behaviours of concern
· Will ensure that they comply with their obligations under the Work Health and Safety (WHS) policy
· Use effective practices and evidence-informed strategies consistent with the School Behaviour Support and Management Plan
· Explicitly teach all students about inclusive, respectful and safe behaviours in line with developmentally appropriate curriculum, and the core values of the school setting
· Provide early, visible, consistent and planned responses to behaviours of concern to foster trust and confidence between the school, student and parent or carer and ensure continuity of teaching and learning
· Support the participation and inclusion of all students, and be responsive to individual student/s needs
· Make reasonable adjustments to support the inclusion of students with disability
· Recognise the role they play in educating their children and modelling the behaviours that underpin the safe, responsible and respectful use of digital devices and online services.
· Support implementation of the school procedure, including its approach to resolving issues.
· Communicate with school staff and the school community respectfully and collaboratively as outlined in the 2018 School Community Charter.
· Work in partnership with the school, service providers and the wider school community to support their child’s behavioural development and successful engagement in learning as consistent with the School Community Charter
· Understand the Behaviour Code for Students and the importance of maintaining high standards of behaviour to create a positive, safe, inclusive and respectful school environment
· Support the school to implement the School Behaviour Support and Management Plan
· Proactively engage with the school to resolve concerns around behaviour when incidents occur, including discussing issues as soon as possible, in accordance with the School Behaviour Support and Management Plan
· Be safe, respectful, learners and help their peers be the same
· Respect and follow school rules and procedures and the decisions made by staff
· Respect other students, their teachers and school staff and community members
· Follow school and class rules and follow the directions of their teachers
· Strive for the highest standards in learning
· Respect all members of the school community and show courtesy to all students, teachers and community members.
· Resolve conflict respectfully, calmly and fairly
· Comply with the school’s uniform policy or dress code
· Attend school every day (unless legally excused)
· Respect all property
· Not be violent or bring weapons, illegal drugs, alcohol or tobacco into our schools
· Not bully, harass, intimidate or discriminate against anyone in our schools
Partnership with parents/carers
Glenfield Park School will partner with parents/carers in establishing expectations for parent engagement in developing and implementing student behaviour management strategies at term reviews, daily Sentral communication, student case conferences and via partnerships with NDIA providers.
Glenfield Park School will communicate these expectations to parents/carers via review meetings, daily Sentral communication, information book, school website and enrolment meetings.
Following the School Community Charter, Parents and Carers can expect:
· To be welcomed into Glenfield Park School to work in partnership with staff to promote student learning
· Communication from Glenfield Park staff will be timely, polite and informative
· Professional relationships with Glenfield Park School staff are based on transparency, honesty and mutual respect
· To be treated fairly, tolerance and understanding are promoted as we respect diversity
School Anti bulling plan
Bullying behaviour has three key features. It involves the intentional misuse of power in a relationship. It is ongoing and repeated, and it involves behaviours that can cause harm. The NSW Department of Education requires all NSW public schools to have an Anti-bullying Plan which details the strategies implemented to reduce student bullying behaviours.
Schools exist in a society where intimidation and harassment occur. Bullying must be taken seriously and is not acceptable in any form. Students have the right to expect that they will spend the school day free from the fear of bullying, harassment and intimidation.
Our school rejects all forms of bullying behaviours, including online (or cyber) bullying by maintaining a commitment to providing a safe, inclusive and respectful learning community that promotes student wellbeing. Executive staff are committed to establishing evidence-based approaches and strategies that promote a positive climate where bullying is less likely to occur.
Bullying devalues, isolates, frightens, and affects an individual's ability to achieve. It has long-term effects on those engaging in bullying behaviour, those who are the subjects of bullying behaviour and the onlookers or bystanders.
A whole school approach, involving students, parents and staff is paramount in establishing support systems to address bullying. A committed social response is necessary to break the cycle by implementing strategies for both prevention and intervention.
Refer to the Bullying of Students – Prevention and Response Policy and Anti-bullying Plan.