Glenfield Park School provides intensive behavioural and social development to students with specific academic and emotional needs, empowering students to participate in and become valued members of society.
Glenfield Park School is a School for Specific Purposes that provides an educational alternative for seventy students from the ages of six to seventeen years who have a mild level of intellectual deficit together with high support needs due to severe emotional or behavioural disorders and learning difficulties. The aim at Glenfield Park is three fold:
- to provide each student with the skills and knowledge which will enable him or her to be included successfully in mainstream schools or support class settings.
- provide appropriate intensive academic programs to allow each student to reach his or her potential.
- enable the student to learn the skills necessary to function effectively at home and within society.
The academic and behaviour program offered at Glenfield Park School for the primary school years is in conjunction with the local home school the student attends. Students attend Glenfield Park School four days and their home school one day per week on initial enrolment. Over a four to six semester period, students gradually increase their attendance at their local home school. High school aged students at Glenfield Park School attend five days per week and work towards a Generic Life Skills School Certificate and work experience.